Wednesday 26 November 2014




2014, the year that is now coming to a close, has been memorable in many ways and with many events.  Events that were long planned as anniversaries of world wars reached their time.

Events whose recollection will persist for a long time, and other events that were mind-blowing at the time – but whose memory tends to fade as others equally bizarre take their place.

One of the latter has kept me puzzled ever since it hit the headlines.  

Remarkable it was as we learned of how three mature women had been held in a state of imprisonment and ‘slavery’ within a ‘normal’ house, yet who were free to leave and do such ‘normal’ things as shopping…

The women who had been held and ‘confined’ and ‘enslaved’ for 30 years, appear to have been held, not by physical restraint, but by the mental ‘dominance’ of two other people – visible people - people who were ever-present.

That in itself was almost unbelievable – yet now I am going to try to take your ’unbelief’ even further…

Just try to imagine the same domination – ever-present domination – domination that derives from a source that is ‘invisible’.  Yes - invisible, yet having powers that are capable of turning a normal happy life into sheer hell.

This was the situation of Morag – a lady whom I once met and who told me something of her own ‘story’.

Happily married, with two school-age children, she would, each day, see her husband off to work and send the children off to school – and then would find herself ‘entering’ another world. 

Her surroundings did not change, but the world of her mind, and the world within her body both changed. 

And these changes came as the result of the insistence and dominance of ‘voices’ within her mind and ‘physical presences’ within her body.

Imperceptibly at first, as Morag began her morning chores and housework, a ‘voice’ appeared in her mind – gentle, soothing, encouraging and helpful.  Relaxing to this and getting on with he tasks, the ‘voice’, and accompanying physical presences slowly became critical.  Everything that she did began to be criticised.  The disparagement and comments became more and more intense, moving away from the immediate tasks into her general life – needling, needling - condemning, condemning.

“She was not fit to be a mother”… “she was not fit to live and continue polluting the world with her presence”…. “She must kill her children and then kill herself…”

Every day, Morag found herself cowering in a corner of a room with the curtains drawn at the windows.

Then, as the afternoon slowly moved on, the inner darkness gradually lightened and the  dominance became less and less – and Morag was able to stand and open the curtains – and prepare to welcome her children as they returned home from school.  Every day…

Difficult to believe, isn’t it?  I would not have believed it either, but for the fact that for a short period in my life, I experienced something remarkably similar.

That was over thirty years ago, yet the memory of those experiences still remains very potent. 

Yes, the memory is still there. 

Normally, memories fade with time - diminish in potency.  Whereas this memory remains because I choose to keep it ‘alive’. 

Why?  Because it forms the beginning and the core of everything that I write – from my book to this Blog.

I write to inform anyone who will read and who is prepared to accept and be influenced by honest testimony – to inform them that everything that I experienced then was created by intrusive ‘entities’, ‘physical and mental presences’, ‘spirits’.

Those words have a lot of religious ‘baggage’ attached, and it becomes very difficult to speak and write pragmatically about the reality of such presences.  Nevertheless, they are real – a reality confirmed every day of my life for the last thirty years.  

A reality that has been confirmed by every culture that has ever existed and which has left coherent records.

If you would like to find out how it was that I - this pragmatic individual – this ‘feet-on-the-ground’ nuclear engineer – came to be influenced in such a manner that he became dominated, just read on my Blog the Post that is entitled -

“Oh what a world of unseen visions and heard silences….”  

It forms the sixth chapter of my book 
"Listening to the Silences in a World of Hearing Voices" 
which may be downloaded free at 

Then, when you have read the Blog, why not ‘open’ the book itself, and read Chapter 7.
Chapter 7 has the title 
"If You Have A Thousand Reasons For Living."  
In it you will find out just how my life – my physical life and my spiritual life – evolved.  

There is so much to tell that it would be impossible to present even a simple summary. 

For some readers – for example, those who would treat it simply as ‘just another book’ – the journey may become tortuous and tedious, and then they give up or just ‘skip’.  Whereas, those for whom my writing is intended – the voice hearers and their carers – they read it through and through, and then tell me what they have found…

And then I know at last that the years that I have spent writing it have all been worthwhile.

Worthwhile when I receive an email from someone such as Steve – forty-five years old, living in UK.

Steve has been plagued by malign voices for all of his life.

He wrote - “… you and your book are the best things that have ever happened to me – you have saved my life, by drawing me back from suicide… “

And finally – to demonstrate the ‘dominating power’ of these unseen, but physically present ‘entities’, let me tell you the story of Ruth.  A story that still has the power to move me as I try to imagine the terror that she experienced – terror that was created by an evil presence within herself – so evil that it drove her to what could easily have been her actual death.

Aged about thirty-five, Ruth had suffered several episodes of voice-hearing, which had largely been brought under control.  Still, she remained vulnerable, and intrusions were never far away. 

Nevertheless, she was not greatly disturbed by a ‘presence’ that seemed to be ‘gentle’ and not dominating.  However, as it took more of a hold in her life, the gentleness evaporated and the aggravation and criticism grew in intensity – as happened to Morag….

The time arrived when, having declared itself to be God, the intrusion began hammering into her mind, stronger and stronger condemnations: finding fault with everything that she did or thought, until Ruth was finally condemned as not being fit to continue to live and pollute this planet. 



DO..IT !!!

But Ruth quailed at the sight of these thundering wheels and drew back….





She went deep under the water, but then, when coming back again to the surface, Ruth heard a vastly different voice – a calm voice – a firm voice – a voice that spoke one word – SWIM… and Ruth swam.

The river bank was tidal and muddy, and she floundered as she tried to walk – and again the calm voice, and just one word – CRAWL…

Ruth crawled, losing her shoes and all her lower clothes – and in this state she arrived at the front door of the house close by in which lived a friend…. where she was comforted and cared for…

In that calm voice – that firm voice – Ruth heard and experienced what I had heard and experienced, and to which I tried to find expression when I began to write  the Chapter

If You Have a Thousand Reasons for Living…

Yes!  I had been shown – with undeniable certainty – that the very direct opposite of the malign, evil intrusions and presences do actually exist.  Just as in the past, every culture has become aware of the evil and malign presences, so also, and without doubt, they have experienced and accepted the benign… 

Often, the outcome has been the creation of a religion or faith based pattern of living.

Deliberately, I have avoided any mention of religion, and have not suggested that one should find answers there. 

Eighty-eight years of living have taught me that it is pointless and fruitless to draw upon ‘religion’ to further any argument.  Each person has their own personal faith and beliefs – or has none.  Instead, I ask you to make your own choices from what I have written, whether here or in any other of my publications – written, as far as I have been able, without exaggeration or hyperbole.

What I have written, I have experienced. 

What more can I say?



It is all too easy to dwell upon the presence of the voice intrusions.  Far more insidious, and possibly ever present, is the mute physical ‘overlap’.  Try to imagine a not quite exact ‘fit’, so that in every movement or reaction there is just the little bit of anticipation or lag; of speeding up when it is inappropriate; of not being quite in phase on a turn; of causing forward movement when there are obstacles to be negotiated, whether by deliberate intent or lack of ‘skill’ it is impossible to say.

When the presence is continuous, or frequently in and out, it can become positively loathsome and one longs to be rid of it.

If you have a copy of One Thousand and One Nights, read the story of  Sinbad and the Old Man of the Sea.  Sinbad, shipwrecked and alone as usual, stumbles across an old man who asks for help to cross a stream.  Sinbad, in his kindness, takes the old man on his back, and then when the stream is crossed finds himself in a stranglehold, beaten about the head, made to go this way and that, by day and night, at the old man’s whim, be-skittered and be-pissed all down his back and generally befouled.

  It is only ultimately by making some wine from wild grapes and getting the man drunk that Sinbad is finally freed, and one can sense the ultimate release as he crushes the man’s skull with a boulder.

There have been many times in my own life, when I have wished for that boulder!


Unknown said...

Hi I am so glad to have found your blog and I have been reading your writing with great interest. I have an 8 year old daughter that has been experiencing voices. Would you be willing to answer some questions? I would appreciate your experience and guide. Thanks Lizbeth

roy vincent said...

Hi Lizbeth - thank you for your comments. Certainly I will answer questions if you contact me on my email

I have only just seen your comment, and may be a little slow with replies - I shall be 90 next month - but the brain still seems to be working well