Monday, 14 July 2008





A Short Analysis by Roy Vincent

(Extract from my book on

I came to live in my present house in 1971. Finding it was the result of a happy coincidence of someone wanting to emigrate and myself actively looking for somewhere with land and grazing for my horses. Two hectares of land, and a setting on the western slopes of the Cumbrian fells that has visitors using such words as ‘paradise’ (although they may be speaking of my cooking, which is out of this world!).

I am on a narrow plateau and surrounded entirely by farmland; the seas are visible to the west, while east the ground rises to a high ridge. I had to make some adjustments in that there are no mains water, gas, or sewerage. The gas comes in bottles; the septic tank gurgles and belches knowingly, and happily looks after itself. The water? Yes, the water – and here I begin my tale.

My first water supply had been installed by the previous owners and involved a large tank some distance inland that was fed by small streams that wandered down the fellside. It was good to have a private supply that was free from any additives, and miles from any source of urban or industrial pollution. 

In time, and as I got older, the servicing of the installation began to be tedious, involving as it did clambering over stone walls when there was possibly ice or other hazards. And so I considered the possibility of a borehole on my own land. I was fortunate to find a dowser who lives not far away, who came with a cohort of children, and together we strode up and down my two fields. 

The dowser, Jack, had the traditional forked twig that he had pulled from the hedge, while the rest of us carried bundles of canes and followed close on his footsteps. Back and forth he walked, the twig dipping downwards from time to time while we ran to push in a cane at the spot.

In a comparatively short time, the pattern emerged of rows of canes that demonstrated the presence below each row of an aquifer. There were eight or nine all told, and all indicating the underground flow of water from the high ground toward the sea. One stood out from the rest, for as Jack approached, and was yet four or five metres off, the twig began to vibrate, and then shot downwards alarmingly as he came immediately above it. 

We plotted the course of this underground stream and were relieved to find that it deviated away from a neighbour’s property, and was obviously not the source of his spring.

The arrival of the drilling rig and the sinking of the borehole provide material for a saga yet to be written, although I have told it often enough. It is still difficult to describe my relief and joy at seeing great jets of water soaring above the rig as the compressor did its work. 

The main aquifer is at twenty-five metres depth, and sits under clay and sandstone and on top of a bulk of granite – each layer in its way telling the story of past volcanic activity and glaciations. “It’s the best supply that we’ve found in the Lake District,” said both the well-borer and the pump man – and for a county that seems to have more than its fair share of water, that is quite an accolade. 

It is the most beautiful water – cold from its underground sources, with just a hint of its mountain origins and sometimes a trace of iron from the ore beds that lie a short distance inland, and which were last worked in a very basic manner by long-dead miners several centuries ago.

Upstream, the aquifer passes under my boundary bank, or dyke as it is known locally, then below a narrow road and under the dyke that forms the boundary of my neighbour’s land. His dyke has a hedge on top – except above the aquifer, where nothing grows. 

My boundary has a row of venerable pine trees, that stand tall – except where they grow or grew above other aquifers. One has died in my time here, another is quite stunted compared with the rest, and the one that had been planted directly above the main aquifer had grown in a strange way. From its base, it had grown almost parallel with the ground before finally directing itself upwards. The contorted shape became the tree’s downfall, for, heavily burdened by wet snow, it was wrenched and twisted by winds and eventually came down in the field.

The trees and their history, together with my neighbour’s hedge, provide me with an ever-present and visible demonstration of the existence of what have become generally known as ‘earth currents’. Now, as I am writing, it is a warm and sunny day, and I have just come in from the field where I have spent some time lying on the ground directly above the aquifer. I did not really have to do that, for I already knew what I would feel, but I did it simply to add to the credibility of my account. 

Over many years, I have been made aware of the fact that I am very sensitive to the presence of electrical or electromagnetic fields and phenomena. It is difficult to quantify the effects – even to describe them in such a way that others can identify if they also are not similarly sensitive. Such words as ‘tingling’ and ‘currents’ come to mind, together with an inner sense of apprehension or disquiet.

The underground stream is a conductor of natural electricity. Its very movement may be the generating source of the current. The proximity upstream of the iron ore and the adjacent sandstone might create an electrical battery, the water providing both the electrolyte and the conductor.

‘Earth currents’ and ‘earth radiation’ have become the accepted general terminology used in describing what is a real, identifiable and measurable phenomenon. More scientifically, they are called ‘telluric’ currents, described below in Encyclopaedia Britannica.

“Telluric Current - also called Earth Current, natural electric current flowing on and beneath the surface of the Earth and generally following a direction parallel to the Earth's surface. Telluric currents arise from charges moving to attain equilibrium between regions of differing electric potentials; these differences in potential are set up by several conditions, including very low-frequency electromagnetic waves from space, particularly from the magnetosphere incident upon the Earth's surface, and moving charged masses in the ionosphere and the atmosphere. 

Telluric currents are often used by geophysicists to map subsurface structures, such as sedimentary basins, layered rocks, and faults. An anomalous current density or gradient may be indicative of a subsurface structural feature.”

Measurement requires precise and not very portable instrumentation and away from the scientific world recourse is more often made to the practice of dowsing or divining with the easily carried twig, rods or pendulum. It is most unfortunate that in some quarters, earth currents have been identified with another and completely different phenomenon, namely ‘ley lines’. 

Ley lines are not earth currents; 

Earth currents are not ley lines. 

The term ‘ley line’ was coined by a man named Alfred Watkins, who describes his findings, and why he used the term, in his book The Old Straight Track. They relate to the straight-line routes used by people in times long past, before the development of large towns and cities, before land was enclosed, before there was a network of roads and when travel was on foot or pony with pack animals or porters and the direct route was the most economical of effort. 

One of my hobbies is to find and follow them in this wide-open country around my home, much of it never having seen the plough. I use a map, compass, rule and pencil, not dowsing rods or a pendulum, and the tracks can often be seen as the sun slants across a hillside, or a light powdering of snow settles differently on their surface compared with the surrounding terrain. Happy are the moments when I might come across a long disused ford or stepping stones, or find a series of mark stones that had guided feet from times long before the Romans came.

One unfortunate consequence of the association and confusion of earth currents with ley lines is that archaeologists, who could learn much from the alignment of the routes and the places that they once connected, become apoplectic at the mention of ley lines, while those practitioners who are involved in the provision of health care, ignore the phenomenon of the currents and their consequences for health, and dismiss the whole as so much hocus pocus.

It is not only the trees that suffer developmental and health problems when in the proximity of a current, although their behaviour and that of house plants can sometimes provide clues. All organic life may be affected, and the fact that plants and animals respond should be sufficient to demonstrate that health deterioration is real and not simply a subjective human reaction.

 The term ‘geopathic stress’ has become the most commonly used general description of the result of persistent exposure to the electrical field associated with earth currents. Although the phenomenon has been known of in a number of parts of the world and in different eras, the first comprehensive description that I have found is in a book called Earth Currents: Causative Factor of Cancer and Other Diseases. 

The author, Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, provides many studies of the sleeping locations of individuals or families who had suffered serious, long-term ill health, the ailments being many and varied. Apart from the more obvious of cancer and cardio-vascular conditions, the inclusion of instances of deteriorating mental health particularly concerned me within the context of my general writing.

I have mentioned my own sensitivity to electrical phenomena, and it was my own reactions that confirmed to me the involvement of geopathic stress in the illness and subsequent death of three whom I knew or got to know well. My cousin had developed very severe muscular rheumatism and had been given high doses of a steroid to relieve it. On one visit, and sitting in a room where I had not previously sat, I began to experience a very painful backache. Puzzled, for there was no obvious cause, I made an excuse and changed my seat, at which the pain declined. I felt certain that the cause was some form of earth current, and as the room was that used most frequently by my cousin, with her bed immediately above, I have no doubt that the resultant stress led to her illness. 

Her diet of steroids had, however, proved to be too great, for her spine disintegrated, collapsed and she could breathe no more and died. Significantly, the dog belonging to a friend with whom my cousin shared the house, would not remain in the room in question, but left immediately if ever taken into it. The room in which the friend slept was subject to much less stress, but even so, she developed the most atrocious and unconscious habit of grinding her teeth. This latter is another indication of the existence of geopathic stress, and is unconscious and not subjective. Dogs detest these locations while cats seek them out – again, another potent indicator.

The behaviour of houseplants was an effective indicator of the stress at the head of the bed of one young woman whom I got to know. The plants deteriorated rapidly if placed on the bedside tables, and recovered if moved into other parts of the flat. Esther had developed a malignant brain tumour from which she subsequently died. While she and her partner were together in the flat, one used to wake in deep depression with the feeling of a ‘heavy weight on the chest’, while the other had frequent teeth-grinding nightmares. 

Esther moved back to her parents’ home, and after treatment lived for a further year, succumbing eventually to meningitis. Her partner moved the bed within the room, and enjoyed relaxing sleep. My own reaction when I stood at the original bed head was to experience deep nausea.

There were no external signs in John’s house, but the fact that I could not sleep in the bed in which he had slept formerly, alerted me to the fact that something was wrong. It was not, however, until someone actually dowsed the house that it was demonstrated that a ‘stress’ line in fact ran the length of what had been John’s side of the bed. The line went the full extent of the house, and crossed another, the crossing being beneath the location of his relaxation chair. After a long fight, and sustained by the utmost dedication of his wife, Vanessa, John sadly died of the leukaemia that he had contracted.

I have no way of knowing what precisely were the causes of these particular earth currents, for there are many possible driving forces. The earth is, in fact, a huge electrical machine. It has a magnetic core, and rotates within the stream of electrically charged particles that pour out from the sun in never ending flow, the ‘solar wind’. One characteristic of a rotating electrical machine is that it generates so-called ‘lines of force’ over its surface, and that is just what occurs over the surface of the earth. 

There are two ‘grids’ – the Hartmann and the Curry - and where they cross or interact with underground aquifers, zones or lines of geopathic stress are created. If the earth’s surface was regular and homogeneous, perhaps not as many currents would flow, but it is this irregularity that, with other influences, creates the random configuration that is so hard to predict.

The variability and unpredictability of strength and direction of the grids and water generated currents become very apparent in the illustrations that accompany the case studies given in von Pohl’s book. 

A further collection may be seen in a book called Earth Radiation by Käthe (Katy) Bachler. The author, a schoolteacher in Austria, had trained as a dowser and had studied the phenomenon of earth currents and their relationship to problems of health. Also qualified in science and mathematics, Ms Bachler approached her investigations with the rigour of a scientist. She had become convinced that the erratic and unsocial behaviour of some children, and the underperformance of others, had its roots in geopathic stress experienced at school or home, or in both. Her proposed study was recognised by the Superintendent of the Schools District of Salzburg, and the Authority allowed her to pursue a full time investigation in the classrooms and the homes of many children.

It is impossible to supply detail of cases from either book in this limited essay – the books themselves are a small selection of many thousands. However, one conclusion that stemmed from the Bachler study was that children never sat in the same place for more than a month, but were moved around in the classroom at regular intervals. It is worth quoting briefly from the preface to the book that was written by the Superintendent.

“She wanted to find out whether there was a measurable connection between geopathy and academic failures in children of school age. Heretofore, this had been a field regarded as charlatanism.
We now have the results of her work. This book is recommended for sceptics as well as supporters. Maybe they, too, will become convinced that there are indeed geopathic influences, and that by eliminating them, some people can be helped immeasurably. In particular, pupils and students can now become achievers in their studies.”

There is a further introduction written by the then Archbishop of Salzburg, aimed at setting to rest any doubts that Christians might have about the use of dowsing. He warns against the use of dowsing for evil purposes and personal gain, but gives his blessing to those who use the gift for the benefit of others. The Archbishop concludes by “…warmly recommending to believing Christians the work of Ms. Käthe Bachler, and especially her book…”

It is most unfortunate that both books are very hard to find, and are probably not in print. Anyone reading them may be struck by the fact that neither investigator talks about eliminating, removing or reversing the currents and their effects. Where, in the quotation above, the Superintendent writes of ‘eliminating them’, he should, in fact, have written ‘avoiding them’. 

The whole thrust of the work and analyses of both authors is to find good places for people to sleep and work in. Many to whom I have described these phenomena in the past make an immediate assumption that the whole house is a bad place. This is patently not so. In the case of John above, the lines were no more than a half metre wide. The zone in Esther’s flat was solely at the bed head – plants that wilted when on the bedside tables flourished very healthily elsewhere, and the bed, when moved, provided a fully restful sleeping place. In the main, there are more good places than unhealthy ones.

I repeat what I wrote earlier, neither author suggests that the geopathic zones can be eliminated or ‘cured’. I have been to ‘workshops’ where one has been told of practices such as driving in wooden stakes, or copper pins. Others where individuals have claimed to ‘visualise’ the zones away. Rational thought and an appreciation of the causes and driving forces of the earth currents should convince most people that the areas and lines of stress cannot simply be ‘wished away’. The aquifers beneath my fields have been flowing, probably without cease, since the last ice-age, and no action that I can think of will cause them to change direction or cease producing their electrical field. My house itself is almost completely benevolent, and I can understand why the site was chosen so many centuries ago.

Some aquifers are seasonal, and so dowsing on one occasion may provide a different result from that obtained on another. The Somerset Levels provide an interesting anomaly, because the direction of flow is governed by the state of the tide in the adjoining Bristol Channel. The tidal range is very great, and at high tide the pressure from the sea pushes the flow in the aquifer inland, while at low tide, the water is allowed to drain in the normal seaward direction. 

Electrical currents are created in the stratospheric zones above the earth, and are transferred by a process known as induction into the plane of the earth below. Inevitably, these currents will be at their strongest in suitable conductors such as flowing water and in ore deposits, but as the currents are the result of the sun creating electrically charged particles in the ionosphere, they only exist during daylight hours. They are strongest at local noon, and die away at dusk. There are other major variables resulting from the movement of the moon and the changing seasons.

It has long been acknowledged that it is pointless trying to locate and evaluate earth currents at full and new moon, because of strong gravitational and other influences a these times. Watching something as unlikely as a travel documentary crystallised this understanding for me. A group on men were exploring a particular region in the Australian outback where water is at a premium. They had stopped to fill up with water and petrol at a very remote store. As they were discussing with the store owner the additional availability of water further into the desert, he told them that in many locations the ground-water came to the surface at new and full moon i.e. in that very flat desert plain, the moon exerted a virtual tidal influence over the subterranean water. The corollary of that is that wherever it occurred, water in underground aquifers would be subject to exactly the same influences, with a consequent effect upon any attendant earth currents.

What I am really trying to say is that dowsing and locating geoelectric zones and currents is not a simple and casual practice that can be picked up without considerable thought. Even though the process of dowsing with rods or a pendulum is easily demonstrated and many find that they can do it, that is not the end in itself. If one sets out to find the good or bad places in a house or place of work and thereby advise people, one is taking on a very serious responsibility. The case studies of both Ms. Bachler and von Pohl relate to many grave and life-threatening illnesses, and also to those normally classed as ‘mental’, and both worked in consultation with the appropriate physician. 

It is interesting to note this acceptance and collaboration coming from the medical profession and the Church in central Europe. In Britain, there is almost universal scepticism, or downright ridicule.

The tendency to ridicule stems in no small part from the influences that I mentioned earlier – namely the desire of many to look for mystical associations and, through the confusion with leylines, linkages with such places as stone circles and ancient sites. The use of the term ‘geomancer’ is calculated to reinforce the ‘magic and mystery’ (although, in truth, I cannot understand why anyone would use that term in this context. Geomancy is the method of divination that interprets the random shapes that appear in earth that is thrown onto a surface, and later, it is the interpretation of a collection of dots randomly made on paper). 

There is nothing magical about earth currents, nor the geopathy associated with them. It takes a small amount of science to understand how the phenomena develop, but it takes a lot of realism and dedication to use the knowledge for the benefit of sick people.

In Britain, one of the most dedicated individuals in this field is Rolf Gordon. His son died from cancer, and Rolf is certain that the root cause was the geopathic stress experienced by his son where the latter slept. Apart from writing a very useful and practical book, Are You Sleeping In A Safe Place?, Rolf founded the Dulwich Health Society with the aim of disseminating knowledge and of promoting the use of what appears to be the one device available that can minimise the local effect of geopathic currents. 

The device, called a ‘Raditech’, is plugged into the electrical mains in the house and, based on what is called a ‘Lakowsky coil’, it generates a neutralising field. Anyone believing that this is just a bit more hocus-pocus, may be interested in this simple anecdote: I supplied one of these units to some friends to use in their house where there were several geopathic zones. The much older mother who had lived all of her life in this same house, but who knew nothing of the new device, descended the stairs the next morning with the remark that she had just had the best night’s sleep that she had ever had since childhood.

The effects upon mental and nervous health are often quite difficult to assess, for they can be complex in that the dividing line between the actual physical effects of the geopathic stress and the resultant subjective reactions may become blurred. At the simplest level, a physical feeling equivalent to that experienced during times of apprehension may be created in a person. Even though there may be nothing in the person’s life actually to cause worry, the constant feeling of being worried may engender a permanent state of anxiety for which medical help may then be sought.

On a personal level, I can only speculate about the very first home of my parents. It was built on land that had been reclaimed from freshwater marsh that drained into an inlet of the sea close by, with the possibility of water movement continuing to occur beneath it. In giving birth to my brother in the house, my mother came close to dying from a haemorrhage that followed his birth. My brother cried incessantly, and was often pacified only when beneath overhanging trees. Both the failure of blood to clot, and the incessant crying of infants are key symptoms of the existence of geopathic stress. 

There are many cases recorded of infants cramming to one side or end of their cot in their efforts to avoid the source of their distress, or perhaps sleep-walking or seeking the bed of a sibling or parents. I am acquainted with one child from before the time that I first became aware of these phenomena, which cried incessantly when put in its cot, and struggled so hard in its distress that it developed a hernia. His mother’s character changed markedly while living in this particular mobile home. The child became pacified and the mother her normal self when shortly they moved to a new dwelling. 
The reaction of my brother when beneath the trees is a possible confirmation of the electrical nature of all that I am considering, for it is well known that certain trees are one of the many sources of negative ions (electrically charged particles) and that these are necessary for normal health and development. One consequence of the nature of certain geopathic zones is that they have been shown to create an excess of positive over negative ions. Wide research has demonstrated that the reverse ratio is essential for harmonious life and development. This, however, is a much wider topic and beyond what I intend in this essay.

Again, I can only speculate on the possibility that where my brother and sister-in-law slept there was a geopathic zone. The fact that both developed cancer within a comparatively short time of each other, and that my brother later had a minor stroke, makes me think that it is probably so – a number of writers on the topic assert most definitely that in virtually every case of cancer that they have investigated, there has been the presence of geopathic elements.

Further speculation was fuelled in my mind when I read his Memoirs, by the former Foreign Secretary, Lord Hurd. He described his choice of his present home, and the fact that when he and Lady Hurd first inspected it they found running water below the floorboards in one room. Also in the book are two illustrations – one of Lady Hurd during her recovery from leukaemia, juxtaposed with a view of the house, which stands alongside a seasonal stream. The association of water flow and cancer really hit me when I came to that part of the book.

There is however, no room for speculation in the instances of two families with which I am well acquainted.

Family 1

(I regret that the illustration for Family 1 is being revised and will be inserted later.)

Morag and Jock, plus children Tom and Amy. Morag developed breast cancer, and after appropriate treatment was beginning to recover, when a colon cancer was discovered. Husband Jock has suffered depression for some time and has not worked for several years. The illnesses can be traced back to when they moved into their current house. Fig 1 represents a dowsed scan of their bedrooms. The crossings within their bed are some of the worst that I have seen illustrated in the various books to which I refer you. Jock invariably woke in a state of deep depression, but did not do so when he slept in a bed in bedroom 4. They have installed a Raditech of appropriate strength, but that was very recently, and too late to improve Morag’s chances, and she is now declining fast in a Hospice. The better quality of sleep that Jock is now getting with the device installed, has helped him to cope with the personal tragedy now unfolding, and to devote full time attention to the two young children, whose beds at 2 and 3 are thankfully clear of adverse stress.

Family 2

Maggie, Ben and daughter Ruth moved into their present home approximately five years ago. In that short time, Maggie has had a hysterectomy, suffered a period of clinical depression and developed breast cancer. Ben had a recurrence of a psychiatric problem that was well controlled, has deserted Maggie, and they are now divorced. Ruth changed from a reasonably compliant early teenager into a belligerent and non-cooperative person. 

Without then realising the implications (for the scan is very recent), Maggie had moved her Bed 1 from the disaster zone to the one clear area of her bedroom. With appropriate treatment, she has fully recovered from the breast cancer, and has recovered from the deep depression that had threatened to end her employment. Since receiving the scan of the geopathic zones, Ruth has been persuaded to move her Bed 2 to a clear area, and as this has happened only within the last fortnight, it is not yet possible to assess her reactions.

Finally, I have only recently been made aware of a remarkable development in the fortunes of one particular family following their change of house. The father, (A), is the brother of one of my close friends who has regularly commented upon the circumstances and health of his brother, and the state of his marriage. ‘A’ had inexplicable blackouts from time to time, and had a marriage in name only, the union being maintained essentially for the children. The wife, as reported, behaved like a virago, and refused normal relations. One child suffered from petit mal, while his sister had psychological problems. 

Following the change of houses which occurred three or four months ago, there have been no instances of the problems of ‘A’ or his son that would have been expected in that time, and the son’s medication has been greatly reduced, and will soon be stopped; ‘A’ and his wife have resumed normal marital relations, while the young girl is appearing to be free from the stresses that were at the root of her previous condition. Neighbours at the original location suffered from recurring and serious health problems, indicating the possibility of both properties being affected by local geopathic conditions, if indeed geopathy is at the root of all the difficulties, something that I am not now able to confirm by dowsing.

Cancers and other physical illnesses are the ones most often cited when describing the effects of exposure to geopathic influences. Equally important because of their increasing prevalence and often devastating consequences, are the ‘cancers of the mind’ – the clinical depressions, anxiety states and other serious nervous and psychiatric illnesses, and the non-specific behavioural problems in children. 

Esther and her partner between them had ‘deep depression’ on waking after night-time ‘teeth grinding nightmares’. Jock habitually awoke depressed when in the marital bed, but had refreshing sleep in a bed that is free from geopathic influence. 

Maggie developed clinical depression and Ben suffered aggravation of a controlled psychiatric condition, while Ruth underwent a change in personality in their new home. Personality change followed my friend’s daughter moving into a particular dwelling, while her infant son became greatly distressed when in his cot – both improving after removing to a different home.

Käthe Bachler’s findings are so very relevant in the face of wide ranging ‘social’ problems that are occurring in our schools. Disruption, indiscipline, attention deficit are some of the possible consequences of children sitting for long periods in geopathically stressed zones. Unfortunately the existence of geopathic illness is not generally accepted in Britain, and the ever-ready fix-it drug is available as the panacea to cure all ills when often all that is required is the relocation of the bed or sitting place. Cost free remedies, without side-effects - and remarkably successful.

Book references:

The Old Straight Track - Alfred Watkins Abacus Books 0-349-13707-2

This is the source book for anyone who is really interested in the truth about ley lines, for it is written by the man who identified the phenomenon and coined the actual term ‘ley line’.

In his introduction Watkins wrote: “My main theme is the alignment across miles of country of a great number of objects, or sites of objects, of prehistoric antiquity. And this is not in one or a few instances, but in scores or hundreds. Such alignments are either facts beyond the possibility of accidental coincidence or they are not. These lines of necessity include, and mix up in the first place, human efforts and place-names of widely different periods of time; it is the task of other branches of archaeology to work out the full chronology of the matter, and I only attempt those few obvious deductions as regards periods which the mechanism of the sighted track reveal.” “One definition seems to be needed. A trackway is a path across country for man and horse, often with no more structure than made by the users’ feet, but perhaps stoned or ‘pitched’ in soft places. My subject is not that of Roman roads.”

Earth Radiation Käthe Bachler Wordmasters 0951415107

The author wrote: “Many factors can disturb health and well being, like the weather constellations, one’s lifestyle, a bad diet and infections. Many of these factors can be eliminated once recognised. In addition, there are other environmental factors less familiar to most people, such as the influences from the earth itself – that is geopathic influences. 
I want to report about geopathic influences, since very few facts and conclusions have been presented in this area. Yet it would be of great value for people to know more about them. Much energy could be preserved, much suffering alleviated, much emotional turmoil eased, and many people could lead a useful and happy life if those damaging influences could be removed from their lives.” 
“It is my sincere desire that the realisations on which this book is based will be instrumental in giving help and hope to many people who have suffered from illness and depressions. I am thinking especially of children who are unable to bring about change without the help and understanding of the adults around them.”

Earth Currents: Causative factor of cancer and other diseases
Gustav von Pohl frech verlag, Germany 3-7724-9402-1

The author wrote in 1930: “My observations set down in this book about negative electrical earth currents are in the main virgin territory for medical science”. “After speaking at a congress for physicians in May 1930 and again when a journal for cancer research published a treatise about the emergence of cancer through earth currents, many physicians came to visit me at my home. All, except one, who studied my work and reports were convinced about the accuracy of my research and promised on their return to check and keep up this research themselves”. 

“Unfortunately there is no technical instrument at present that will measure the degree of intensity of earth currents. We depend at the moment on the expertise of the experienced dowser for the investigation and diagnoses of different intensities of earth currents. I emphasize experience, for many call themselves dowsers (or diviners) only because the divining rod moves in their hands, have no idea why and on which object the rod dips in its various ways below the earth, and neither do they appreciate the strength or type of currents. The latter is the important issue.

About 25 years ago when I lived in North Germany, I had arranged a scale of currents from 1 to 12 analogous to the Beaufort wind scale. When I studied dowsing in the Alps in Bavaria and Switzerland, I found the earth currents so strong that my scale had to be extended to 16 degrees.”

Anyone who wishes to obtain a copy of either the von Pohl or Bachler book should enter the author’s name on the Internet. The last time that I looked, I found that there were steps being taken to organise reprints.

Are You Sleeping in a Safe Place? Rolf Gordon Dulwich Health Society

The Author’s son died of cancer in 1985. He subsequently found that at one stage his son’s bed had been located over a strong underground vein of water. “I only realised later the harmful effect of geopathic stress, caused by these underground veins of water, must have had on my son’s health, and I immediately decided to investigate. 
I found to my astonishment that considerable research had been carried out in Germany over the last 50 years, which supported the theory THAT ONE IS UNLIKELY TO DEVELOP CANCER UNLESS ONE HAS SLEPT OR STAYED FOR LONG PERIODS OVER HARMFUL EARTH RAYS. 
One doctor, Dr. Hagar of Stettin, has found the theory borne out in 5,348 cases. Equally this was shown to be the case in respect of most other serious illnesses.
Why, I ask myself, is so little known about the harmful effects of earth radiation on health? The answer must lie in the mystique surrounding them (they have only recently been measured according to the established laws of physics), the scarcity of published evidence in the English language and the consequent refusal of literally (sic) minded people to believe in such phenomena and because so few people are aware of the dangers or can locate the currents accurately”.

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