Sunday, 22 June 2014



Unfortunately, that is not what you may believe if you accept only what you receive from the ‘media’.
Yes, the ‘media’ would have you believe that individuals who hear voices are ‘psychotic’, ‘paranoid schizophrenic’ – even ‘violent paranoid schizophrenic’..

Have you ever met someone who says that they ‘hear voices’?  Will you stay and talk?  Will you run a mile because suddenly they might produce  a gun/cleaver/ machete… ?

If this is you, why not stop a while and meet me?  I have been hearing voices for more than 30 years without being ill (or chasing anyone with a hatchet) and I will introduce you to my book and its title

Listening to the silences 

in a world of hearing voices.

It has been published free on the Internet for more than 10 years, and from it, I get frequent contacts by letter or email from individuals who, without exception, hear voices.  Here are two emails that arrived within the last two weeks – read them, and examine for any signs of lunacy…  

This arrived from Kristin from Norway

Dear Mr. Vincent,

I’m very happy to have discovered your online-book and at moment I'm still at the beginning of the book. But I would like to write you by now, how grateful I am that you make your book free available for everyone. Thank you so much! :)

Since 2000 I’m hearing voices after I had been practicing with a textbook to educate the mediumistic sense. The exercises for clairaudience (clear hearing) were successful quickly, but then, I couldn’t interrupt that.

The consciousness of myself and my own thoughts help me at first to live my daily life but the voices harassed me very much and I couldn’t avoid hearing the voices.

After several years of searching and trial and error I began with the aid of mindfulness meditation to learn to elude from the voices better and better. The focus on my breath, my body or the activities that I exercised just helped me more and more to be with my attention by me and in the material world. I meditated, if possible, twice a day 5 - 10 minutes. I tried no longer internally desperately fight off the listening to the voices. I tried to be completely relaxed, let them be there and no further notice of the voices. The prior inner defense against hearing voices had this rather reinforced.

I did these things with time more and more easier, like automatically, and the voice became ever more silent and appeared less and less in evidence.

While falling asleep I used auto-suggestions such as: “I am completely safe and protected and don’t clear hearing” or “I am healthy and don’t clear hearing”.

I have also read about treatment with homeopathy much good, but I haven’t tried this by myself.

Now I am looking forward to continue reading your book. :)

I wish you all the best.

Yours sincerely

P.S.: Please excuse the terrible English - it's a mixture of my own poor English and Google Translator.


And this from Marianne in Canada, which she wrote after reading a poem I Don’t Believe In Magic that I have posted on my Blog: 
Dear Mr. Vincent,
First of all I thank you for writing about hearing voices and for making your book available online for free.  I've only read the first page but can see that reading your book will be beneficial to me as I've been hearing voices for twenty years or so.  I am amazed that you function so well in spite of voices and look forward to finding out more about the ways you get along with them.
Secondly, the poem "I Don't Believe In Magic" touched me deeply.  I've always carried a deep conviction that no evil, neither real or imagined, is bigger than my God and my Bible.  Sometimes things get pretty scary and I wonder if God and my Bible are really there for me but then things will happen to prove that yes, God is real and yes, my Bible wins over any spell book out there, like the old rock, paper, scissors game.... Bible always wins.

I can't concentrate very long on something like a book so it's going to take quite a bit of time for me to read the entire work and I hope to stay in contact with you during the process.  I'm sure a lot of questions will arise and, if you're willing, I would like to "pick your brain"  (that sounds pretty gross, I wonder whomever coined that phrase in the first place!) on all that is related to hearing voices and its affect on you and your life.
Take good care and God bless you.


So, did you find any signs of Lunacy?  Maybe you found two people who are different in their approach to life.  And maybe if you actually talk to folk whom you may meet and who hear voices, you will find ‘individuals’ – sensitive, intelligent people – individuals who are just that – individual, and prepared to think and live ‘outside the box’ that is the norm for the bulk of humanity.

Here is the poem that Marianne quotes –

I Don't Believe In Magic

by Duncan MacKellar

I don't believe in magic,
Or superstitious tales,
Or witches' spells and potions,
Made from newts and snails.

I don't have time for werewolves,
Or ghostly apparitions,
Spirits, ghouls and warlocks,
Or spooky premonitions.

Goblins, elves and angry trolls,
Dragons spitting fire.
Mere fables and make believe,
Cloaked in mist and mire.

Mysteries of the occult,
Are easy to resist.
I'm not afraid of monsters,
That really don't exist.

I've never seen a poltergeist,
Or proof of any haunting.
I'm not afraid of darkness,
While others find it daunting.

There is but one bewilderment,
From which I seek protection,
I've yet to find a mirror that will,
Cast my own reflection.

My book is free to download at



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