For a considerable number of years, I have realised that I am acutely sensitive to a variety of electrical and magnetic phenomena. As with many other human reactions, it is not easy to describe these internal responses, nor to quantify them or give them any scale of measurement that others may use in comparison. That others are sensitive, and are responding, albeit unknowingly, can be judged from their unconscious behaviour, and also from the consequences to them, which are usually harmful.
This may seem a long way from mental health issues, but in fact may have everything to do with them. My whole adult life and working career have been involved with electricity in one form or another. From the intricacies of Naval radar in WW2, through a Degree in Electrical Engineering, to my role as a measurement specialist in the UK Nuclear Power Programme – electrical phenomena and equipment were at the heart of my life.
My interest and involvement did not cease with my early retirement, but gathered force and in a different direction. It was a direction that was governed by the fact that I discovered that I am very sensitive to a wide range of electrical influences, both natural and man-made. Realisation came initially through reading a small but very vital paperback – The Ion Effect by Richard Soyka. He describes the onset of serious mental health problems caused by naturally occurring changes in the electricity of the surrounding air. To me, it is a seminal book - there are still second hand copies available on line.
The reason that I mention it now, is that Soyka asserts that at least a quarter of individuals are acutely sensitive to their electrical environment, while many of the remainder are affected without realising it. I give very detailed descriptions of the sources of electrical stress and their consequences for mental health right through the book that I have written. Written primarily for voice hearers, it has descriptions that apply to all the common mental health ailments.
I am not writing this now in order to keep plugging the book, (which is free on line www.royvincent.org ) but to tell you what my background is, as I go on to describe some recent experiences that are relevant.
I live in rural surroundings with virtually no external sources of electrical and electro-magnetic interference. Thus, almost all that I encounter comes from devices that I control, being then aware of any change in my environment resulting from anything being switched on or off. Recently, I was reminded of this state of affairs through my reaction to two newly acquired and vastly differing devices.
The first is so ‘every day’ and simple – an electro-magnetic deterrent against rodents. Installed in my loft, its aim was to stop rats and anything else that wished to make it their home. A friend plugged it in for me while I was downstairs doing other things. Very soon, I realised that all was not well in my head – I developed a headache that experience told me resulted from electromagnetic transmission. Experiment with random switching on and off left me in no doubt that the device was the culprit.
Now, this was from a distance of more than 30 feet, and through a total of 3 feet of stone wall – and from a very insignificant device. If it had been left running night and day, and I had not been aware of its presence, soon I would have been suffering from unquantifiable effects in my head which could then have created or exaggerated mental health problems, if I had been suffering from any.
Far more powerful and instantaneous were the effects of a newly arrived Internet wireless ‘hub’ or ‘router’ for my computer. As soon as it was switched on, it had to be switched off. The effect was diabolical. It is so difficult to describe the effects in my scalp and inside my head. All I can say is that they were absolutely intolerable, and the only way in which I can understand how they are tolerated in most homes, is that they are just another ‘add-on’ to the general electro-magnetic smog in which most individuals live.
The micro-waves in an oven are contained by the in-built screening. The micro-waves from a wireless router or hub are specifically designed to flood the whole house or building. If they can pass through walls and floors and into the street, they will experience no problem in passing through the human body and skull, where they can overwhelm the minute and subtle currents and voltages that control the senses and actions. Picture the growing child – from the moment of conception; at home; at school - possibly for 24 hours a day – and you might get some idea why there are so many children with problems
Someone who wrote eloquently about the electro-magnetic smog is the orthopaedic surgeon Robert O. Becker. Researching the very small electrical currents that flow through bones at the site of fractures, he realised the full extent to which the body relies on minute internal electrical functions: functions that are so easily disrupted by external electrical fields. From his 1985 book The Body Electric, this is what he wrote:
“It may be hard to convince ourselves that something that we cannot see, breath, touch, taste or smell can still hurt us so dreadfully. Yet the fact must be faced, just as we have learned a healthy fear of nuclear radiation. Certain scientists, some perhaps acting in a programme of deliberate misinformation, keep telling the public that we still do not know whether electro pollution is a threat to human health. That is simply not true. Certainly, we need to know more, but a multitude of risks has been well documented…”
Another acclaimed researcher and writer is Dr Cyril Smith. His book Electromagnetic Man is yet another publication that defines the reaction of living things to their electrical environment. Find him on the Internet and you will discover such a mass of research into these effects, and then, perhaps, you will, like me, stop and wonder just why…
When so much is already known and published, just why is this knowledge not translated into a wider understanding and application in the regular analysis and treatment of individuals with mental health problems? It is already well known that to live under an overhead power line is a sure way to invite mental depression… it is already well known that electric over and under blankets can produce unwelcome or harmful effects… it is already well known… I could go on at great length…
Governments appear to be waking up to the fact that cases of depression are increasing almost exponentially: that individuals are showing signs of dementia earlier in their lives than hitherto. To me, the causes are so obvious. To me, the remedy will not be found in newer and more powerful drugs, but first, in acknowledging the truth of what I, and so many renowned researchers are saying, and second, in educating people so that they themselves can take responsibility for their own and their children’s lives.
But do not wait for Governments to act. Much of the remedy will lie in your own hands. Simply do an audit of your own living space and discover how much you can eliminate or reduce by limited use. Remember, if you are a parent, the mental health, the behaviour problems of your children are your responsibility, and remember that their lives are being grossly affected by all of the electronic gizmos and gadgets that flood their lives and which are used without restraint – even such apparently harmless gear as hairdryers and hair straighteners will be taking their toll...
Remember, I began writing because of the actual effect upon me of merely two very simple and common devices – just don’t get me started on some of the many, many others… long-life light bulbs, mobile phone masts… I said, “Don’t get me started!”
But be aware of this also – when someone feels unease in their head to the extent that logical thinking becomes difficult, or when they feel disoriented for no apparent cause, it is then that they may be at their most vulnerable, and be easy targets for the intrusion by voices and physical presences.
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